Friday, 26 September 2008


Focusing on the odds instead of the possibilities is undoubtedly one of the enemies of progress. Many lose momentum in the pursuit of their dreams because they focus on the odds instead of the possibilities. Worst still, many totally give up on their dreams because they focus on the odds instead of the possibilities. On the other hand, it can be safely concluded that focusing on the possibilities instead of the odds is one sure way to clinch success. Call it a desultory thought, but see what I mean…

Since there are two sides to a coin, I totally agree that it’s only natural for you as a rational human being to think of the possible outcomes of an action before taking action. However, it should be noted that you’ll totally lose out if you don’t take action at all; you’ll end up losing all (100%) the probability of winning. Besides, there’s no foolproof course of action. Even in the bid to decide something by chance using the coin, you cannot determine the side of the coin (the head or the tail) that will be facing upwards until it’s tossed. So, it’s still important that you take action even in the face of glaring odds. Stop thinking “What if it doesn’t work?”, start thinking “What if it works?”. Be optimistic at all times.

Is it that you want to start a new business and you’re scared of investing your capital because of fear of failure? Instead of concentrating on the odds, think of the possibilities…what if the business flourishes? What if it’ll liberate me from the shackles of “slavery”? What if it’ll help me achieve financial independence?

Is it that you want to launch an album and you’re scared of investing on it because you think the album might not sell well? Instead of concentrating on the odds, think of the possibilities…what if I end up selling millions of copies of the album? What if it’s the album that’ll make me a celebrity? What if it’ll open more doors for me?

Is it that you want to bid for a project and you’re scared of wasting your resources and time should you lose? Instead of concentrating on the odds, think of the possibilities…what if I win the bid for the project? Or worse still, what if I lose this particular bid and win another in the future based on the experience I must have acquired while bidding for this particular project?

Whatever your situation may be, whatever you plan to embark on, don’t give up without trying. There’ll always be reasons why you shouldn’t embark on your plans and you’ll forever limit yourself if you give in to them (playing safe will prevent you from moving to the next level). At all times, irrespective of your circumstances, concentrate only on the possibilities (blindfold yourself to the odds) and then you’ll have enough reasons to take action. And when you act, the probability of losing will no longer be 100% because you would have conquered inertia. Even when you try and you happen to lose, you would have learnt valuable lessons that will equip you for the next try.

However, your sense of judgment must be sound. Think through before embarking on any action, there are times when a retreat is not cowardice but wisdom. Caution is the watchword, be wise.

Dream well. Think well. Plan well. Focus well. Act well. Succeed well.

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