Sunday, 16 January 2011


"Wilderness explorers hire guides, life explorers seek God."- Anonymous

There is a twist to my previous post that I must share, else my account will not be complete. Be blessed and inspired as you read on…

After several visa denials, even with the right documents and several fruitless consultations with spiritualists, my strength failed me. I knew I had to change my approach and I was willing to change but I had no idea of what to do as I had exhausted all known methods. I was humbled by the humiliating defeats (I must confess that pride had set in before then as I had succeeded in many daring pursuits in times past; I was even dwindling into paganism at some point. I believed strongly that I could succeed in any endeavour by just following the natural laws that govern our Universe.).

After a visa denial in March 2008, I decided to try God totally (Although I was born into Christianity, I was far from being a practitioner.). So, I joined a Living Church in my area to put God to test. In one of the Church services, I heard the testimony of someone who put God to test and who obviously was embarrassed with miracles. Being an adventurous lad, I decided to run with the revelation. I combed the Bible for an anchor scripture and I discovered some verses quoted below where God gave (and still gives) man the express permission to put Him to test:

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. Then all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be such a delight, says the LORD of Heaven’s Armies." Malachi 3: 10 – 12, The Holy Bible – New Living Translation.

I must add that I was paying my tithe as a religious act before then even though I did not fully know my rights. Armed with the anchor scripture quoted above, I decided to enter into a covenant with God by increasing my tithe to 20% (instead of the 10% God requires of me) of my income and paying same till I die. He has asked that I put Him to test, however I was prepared to provoke Him with my giving. In return, I asked God for the visa to explore the world He created.

I started paying the tithe as I covenanted and I reapplied for the category of visa that I was earlier denied. Behold, my application was granted. God showed Himself strong despite the fact that I was still wallowing in sin then. I was humbled. God became so real to me for the first time in my life. I was also forced to admit my folly - if wilderness explorers deem it wise to hire guides, why was I trying to explore life without seeking the help of my Creator? The humbling experience has changed the course of my life. I have further consecrated my life to my covenant-keeping God and in return He has surpassed my expectations; I judge Him faithful. (If you want to know more about my Omnipotent-God, please send me an email via: I received salvation free, and freely will I share.)

Beloved, the philosophy that “one can succeed in any endeavour by just following the natural laws that govern our Universe” is flawed with numerous limitations. Most importantly, the philosophy is often overturned by the Creator of the Universe to confound the wise. In doubt? Haven't you heard of successful people committing suicide before? Haven't you read of the mighty falls of financial giants and nations before? Haven’t you heard of educated derelicts before? Is our world not flooded with unsuccessful geniuses? The list is endless. Life is reduced to a mere guess work when the help of the Creator is not sought. To succeed in any endeavour in life, to remain successful, to die a success and to be translated into glory after death requires Divine Help.

Most successful people in the world today are not succeeding by their strength alone as they make the world believe. Most of them belong to various occults; some even trade their soul for fame and wealth. Talent and luck alone cannot suffice. There are even wicked principalities and powers that contend for the destiny of mankind and it is only with the help of a Super-Power that you can successfully wrestle against them.

Why are you struggling on your own when help is readily available? Stop short-changing yourself. The Creator of the Universe, who created you and the world you are living in, has the ‘Master Plan’ and the ‘User Manual’ of the Universe. He is willing to help if only you will acknowledge Him and seek His help. He created you for a purpose. He has a plan for your life and a path which you must take to fulfil destiny.

Don’t make needless mistakes, get it right. Go for God.

Monday, 3 January 2011


Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and will always solve the problems of the human race.” - Calvin Coolidge, the 30th president of the United States.

I hibernated from the blogosphere exactly two years ago. I hibernated not because I did not have amazing stories to share but because I was waiting for the manifestations of more miracles before I would share to bless and to inspire as I only write proven and practicable non-fiction.

At this time of the year when new resolutions need to be pursued with tenacity, the idea to write on the subject comes as a welcoming idea. The subject also depicts the victory I had over a challenge after years of pursuit. Be inspired as you read on…

I was born in Nigeria and I had lived in the country all my life until December 2008 when I migrated to United Kingdom. Before then, I had wanted to travel abroad since I was a child (I honestly do not know where the desire for success, freedom and adventure came from, I must have been born with it.) but all my efforts were futile until then especially because I had a very humble background. My dream was not to travel abroad, rather, travelling abroad was the key to my dream and since my dream was big enough, I was prepared to do whatever it would take to attain the objective. The desire was so strong that I secretly sold some properties of my parents without their consent (and I am ashamed to share that I was prepared to sell more at the time) to elope to Europe with some daring friends via Sahara Desert at 15+! The plan did not work, but I remained undeterred. After secondary school, I proceeded to the university. While in the university, I also tried severally to travel abroad illegally but the plans were unsuccessful. I then resolved to go via the legal route. In 1998, I stepped into an embassy to apply for visa for the first time in my life and I was refused. Over the later years I tried with several other embassies in different visa categories but I was unsuccessful in all occasions. After graduation, I took up a job and I kept trying but was unsuccessful still. I went back to school for a second degree and I kept at it with no success. After my second degree, I took up another job but still wanted to travel with no success. During the trying periods, I tasted defeat firsthand, got more knowledge on how it could not work (such that I even became a ‘travelling consultant’ to many at some point), I changed strategies and improvised many a times (I promise to share some details later), amongst other experiences and lessons. And finally in year 2008, after ten(10) long years of spending incalculable resources and painful denials via the legal route, I obtained a visa to United Kingdom. I have since relocated there and many great things have happened to me as a result of the migration that would never have happened had I given up on travelling abroad. Defeat is painful, but victory soothes - I have since forgotten all the challenges I went through while trying to migrate, they are now testimonies.

What is the meaning of life without aspirations? That is the first question that comes to mind when I think of the numerous reasons why ‘success-dependent’ goal(s) should never be relinquished. Man is prone to advance by nature (otherwise he will be static and if he is static, retrogression will inevitably set in and thereafter ‘spiritual’ death - even physical death in some cases). The cause of advancement is goal(s). The picture of victory oils persistence. And the taste of victory enhances further advancement(s). Such is the cycle for progress.

Persistence is an invincible force failure cannot resist for long. One of the stories that inspired me while growing up is that of Abraham Lincoln who through doggedness maximized his potentials. I encourage you to read more about him, however find below some of his heroic statistics:

Abraham Lincoln failed in business at 22 years old;
He was defeated in legislator election at 23 years old;
He failed in business again at 24 years old;
He lost his sweetheart at 26 years old;
He had a nervous breakdown at 27 years old;
He was defeated for speaker at 29 years old;
He also got defeated for elector at 31 years old;
At 34 years old, he was defeated for congress;
At the age of 46, he was defeated for senate;
At 47 years old, he was defeated for vice presidency;
He got defeated for senate again at 49 years old;
He finally won the battle at 51 years old when he was elected as president of the United States of America.

Persistence, indeed, is omnipotent.

Have you given up on goals that matter to you in times past? I charge you to re-strategize and re-try. Are you tired of pursuing an objective without success? Hold on, your efforts will eventually pay off if you persevere. Are you scared of pursuing that objective because of the fear of failure? Face your fears and tackle that challenge, it will eventually bow to your doggedness.

Year 2011 can be likened to a new canvas, ensure you paint a masterpiece. Good luck.